Tagged: Music

Bongripper – Terminal

Bongripper - Terminal

It’s fuckin’ Bongripper. Doing two tracks across 40 minutes. Called ‘Slow’ and ‘Death.’ It is pretty much as you expect.

There’s no point reading my review: just listen to the fuckin’ thing already.

But if you must it’s over at Echoes and Dust.

AOTY 2017

Some traditions have been with us so long that it seems blasphemous to even consider not to follow them – if such a consideration should even occur. The Christmas period is rife with them, a minefield of time honoured rituals that simply must be followed. And so, much like turkey for xmas dinner or arguing whether Die Hard qualifies as an xmas film, we must distill our years music listening into list form and parade it in front of other list makers who can barely hide their boredom at reading Yet Another List.

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Ore – Belatedly


Ore is a ‘tuba doom’ album. Which sounds ludicrous, and thankfully the label doesn’t nearly do it justice – half an intimate, solo meditation on loss from sole member Sam Underwood, playing tuba and accompanying himself with such lo-fi things as drumming on Ikea shelves, half a series of frequently surprising collaborations with a variety of different instrumentalists, Belatedly is a tricky record to categorise. But whatever you want to call it it’s a gem of a record.

Full review at Echoes & Dust.

Heinali & Matt Finney – How We Lived


Matt Finney was off-grid for a while before last years excellent record with Siavash Amini but seems to back in force with a barrage of releases with a menagerie of different collaborators. This one, with his old sparring partner Heinali, tells the story of that hiatus in typically unflinching fashion.

Full review over at Echoes & Dust.